أخبار الساحة


إلى من لا يريد أن يفهم

To all persons around world if we have revolution and we want the best for our country ,okay.... what about the abuse for our profession  i main medical profession '' why every one and any one in this country do what's he want and starts working and treat patients as he want?

why the leaders and who are in their  places do what they are want?

if we want to change our country why do not changed our behaviors?

why the protesters do not stop their abuse for every things in our life in Yemen. we are not experimental rates for them or others .

and thanks so much for every one for their comments although they are not understand my opinion about the last events in Medical behaviors or they did.







Ahmed AlswmarinRemove Post

Ahmed Alswmarin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ywmjwRUTnW8&feature=player_embedded

مشاهد بشعة من مجزرة عائلة علي صالح يوم الاحد في صنعاء ضد المتظاهرين 18 9 2011www.youtube.com



لحج نيوز طبيب في المشفى الميداني يعترف عبر فضائية سهيل باستقبالهم لجثث من مشفى العلوم والتكنولوجيا http://t.co/piLQdjoI

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By: الصفحة الثانيه لثورة التغيير في اليمن





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